Monday, November 1, 2010

Turning Your Closet GREEN

Interested in Going Green ? Well here are some tips ti get you started to a new lifestyle (courtesy of :
  1. Prior to purchasing a garment , consider if it is of good health
  2. Learn about environmentally friendly choices
  3. Look for eco-friendly retailers
  4. Check labels for natural and organic fibers
  5. Buy less and purchase essentials that mix and match
  6. Check labels for eco-friendly and organic fiber content
  7. Buy less and purchase essentials that mix and match
  8. Consider becoming a strong supporter of sweatshop free apparel
  9. Check out Fair Trade labeled clothing and buy garments from these retailers
  10. Buy recycled garments from consignment shops, next to new stores, etc
  11. Wear clothes that don't need dry-cleaning
  12. Use biodegradable laundry detergent and line dry or flat dry as much as possible
  13. Don't throw your clothes in landfills. Recycle or donate them to churches or charities - People worldwide need clothing.
  14. Redesign your garments by giving them a fresh new look
  15. Ask direct questions regarding company ethics to your favorite designers or brand names
  16. Raise awareness - educate your children, friends and family
Okay maybe all 16 of these tips are a bit too much to do at one time, but possibly completing one at a time may help. I actually have been going through my clothing to see which shirts are made of what. Sad to say, I barely have any clothing made of organic cotton. So far, I have taken tip #6 into consideration. I know it's not that much, but I'm getting there!

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